Sunday, February 02, 2003

Hey! It's February 2nd!! Groundhog's Day!!!

Hmm. It used to be more fun. My dad always was a fan of Feb. 2nd. We would throw a big party, inviting all our friends, and party into the night. There were often close to 200 people there. The kitchen would be stuffed with potluck dishes, the porch overflowing with beer and the woods ringing with laughter. No one really cared what Punxsutawney Phil said. The grownups just wanted a break from the winter stresses and the kids wanted a chance to stay up WAY past their bedtimes and watch questionable movies (Spaceballs was played many times!). I don't know what I liked best...the warm crowd chatting in the house, stuffing their faces with potato salad and smoked turkey or the chilly group huddled around the bonfire, discussing politics and playing music...I guess I spent most of my time wandering back and forth between the two soaking up the love and togetherness. I liked those parties.

No big party today. But I did check in with the Grand Wazoo himself this morning. Being the nasty little fellow that he is, he gave an evil little laugh, sneered and sentenced us all to 6 more weeks of winter. Guess I didn't bring him enough grog.

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