Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Okay...Michele over at A Small Victory has written exactly what I was planning to write about Valentine's Day. Is it cheating to just tell you to read what she wrote? Probably. But I'm gonna do it anyway. Sums the whole holiday up very nicely in my mind.

Valentine's Day is a crock of falsehoods. It does more harm than good. Have you ever been that kid in class who got three valentines while everyone else got 20? Have you ever sat home crying in your beer and eating a pint of chocoalte chip mint ice cream while burning pictures of your ex? Then you know. You know how Valentine's Day only causes pain. Even for the guys who have a girlfriend because they feel they can't live up to the expectations that the media has set for them as far as presents go.

I am not expecting any problems in my class due to the fact that I have a wonderful, friendly group of kids. But that didn't stop me from reminding them that they either bring treats for EVERYONE or they bring them for NOONE. I remember what it was like.

I am also not expecting any hurt feelings on the home front. We don't celebrate on Feb 14th. It's just another day and it will be no more and no less romantic than usual. We are going to go to the opening of DareDevil because that happens to be the day it opens. I will probably snuggle up to Mikey in the theatre. That's what you DO in a theatre. Then we are going to get something cheap and unromantic for dinner (Fish Sandwich? Yum!) and we are going to completely ignore Valentine's Day. Then, someday when Mikey is least expecting it, I am going to surprise him with a fun, romantic evening. Not because Hallmark tells me too...but because he's the bestest and I like to surprise him.

So there. Michele said it better. Go read her post.

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