Saturday, November 08, 2003

And the countdown begins...

There are currently 5 whole days and 3 half days with the students before Turkey Break. This has got to be one of the best loved breaks in the whole school year, because it comes after 2-3 weeks of testing, grading, and conferencing. The end of the trimester is always the worst. You NEED a week afterwards just to recuperate! I think I am doing well, though. I have been giving my assessments for some time now and they are almost all graded. We have a couple of little things to do next week and then I am ready to fill in report cards. I have all my conferences on Tues, Weds, and Thurs so that I don't have to dress up on Friday. There is no school Friday and I am planning to use that day to get caught up on all my organizing and filing so that I can start fresh after the break. I am much better off than many of the more experienced teachers as far as how frantic I am feeling and I am just keeping my fingers crossed that conferences will go smoothly. Wish me luck!

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