Saturday, November 15, 2003

Matrix Mania

Everyone is so busy trashing the latest Matrix, that they are all missing out on the fabulous and far-reaching conversations that are so easily launched from it. (Et tu, Amy?) I think there are two things causing so many people to dislike this movie - first, Americans are lazy and want everything to be spelled out for them, and second, people are watching each section as if it is a stand alone episode of a trilogy. I think this was in fact just ONE BIG MOVIE and only makes sense if you think of it as such. Of course the second one feels like the middle of a movie. IT IS! Anyway, for some answers (yes, I agree that it left many questions unanswered or answered so subtly that it might as well have been unanswered) and some thought provoking analysis of the characters, plot, events and symbolism you may want to check out this blog...

I can't wait for the 3 disk boxed version so that I can watch the movie in its entirety.

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