Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Gearing up for the New Year

I was recently reviewing the list of goals I made for myself last year and I was amazed to find that I have maintained a surprising number of them. What made it work this year when I have never been able to stick to a goal for more than a week in previous years?

First, Mikey and I both set goals. Many of them were things we do together. It is easy to be encouraging to someone when you know exactly what their goals are. I could really encourage and praise Mikey for networking since I knew this was something important to him. Mikey could help me remember to practice my guitar since he knew this was an important goal to me.

Next, our goals were very specific. We focused on 3 main areas: Family, Personal and Work. Personal and Family included the subareas of Financial, Health/Fitness, Relationships, and Travel. Personal also includes Employment, while Family includes Household. Work includes the subareas of Continued Education, Networking, Short Term Goals, Long Term Goals and New Skill. Each goal explains what the goal is and how we will reach it.

Finally, our goals were reasonable! I didn't set goals that weren't very important, meaningful and reachable. I know from previous experience that if I am not dedicated to a goal, it is soon ignored. Even with my careful goal setting last year there are some goals that just didn't make it. Now I know what to change for this year!

*Financial - Set aside babysitting money for a trip home in May. This was for my brother's graduation. I did save that babysitting money and I did go on this trip. It was short and hectic, but I was happy to be there for him.
*Health and Fitness - Reduce weight to 150 lbs through exercise and healthy eating. I am currently just over that weight. I am sad that the sun is setting so early these days because it keeps me from biking to and from work. - Reduce tv watching to 3 specific shows and daily news. This didn't happen. I am weak. - Limit computer time to 2 hours daily. I stuck to this goal only because I am too busy to be on the computer now.
*Relationships - Contact each sibling by phone once a month. I am very sorry to say that this has not happened. This will be made even MORE specific and focused on for the upcoming year.
*Travel - Set aside babysitting money for a trip home at Christmas. I took this trip during the summer instead. I decided that it would be better to take the trip when I had oodles of spare time, rather than when I only had a couple weeks. Unfortunately, I am no longer babysitting so next year's trips will have to be financed another way.
*Employment - Maintain status as teacher with contract at TVUSD. Yep. I had a brief scare when they pink-slipped all the new teachers, but it all worked out!

*Financial - Use new budget and allowance system to maintain finances and build savings. That allowance game was one of the best things we have ever come up with. I swear that I could write it up as a relationship advice book and make millions!
*Health/Fitness - Two 30-minute sessions of aerobic exercise a week. For a while we were biking nearly every day, but now we do nothing. BAD! - Maintain healthy eating habits. We have been eating a mostly vegetarian diet since June or so. I don't know if it is exactly what I want to do forever, but for now it is working.
*Relationships - Set aside one night a week for "family time" with no telelvision allowed. This didn't happen either. I can see that my relationship catagories need work.
*Travel - Go to San Luis Obispo by train for anniversary. We gave this one up because I had just gotten back from my long trip home and neither of us wanted to go anywhere. We played mini-golf instead. This will carry over to next year, I believe.
*Household - Complete minor household repairs ourselves. Although we are not good at it, we ARE trying.

*Continued Education - Participate in district "new teacher" program. This was something I was eager to do, since it will help me clear my credential. - Take one class in something of interest to me. I started with a Tai Chi class that I enjoyed. Now I am taking my guitar lessons. I was sad to learn that my guitar instructor is planning to move in about 6 months. I better learn fast!
Long Term Goals - Secure a full time contract teaching 3rd grade at JES. I got the full time contract, but it wasn't with 3rd grade. I am okay with that. My goal for next year will be to get a full time 4th grade contract.
New Skill - Learn 10 guitar songs for use in the classroom. Interestingly, I am less interested in using the guitar in my class than I am in using for my own personal entertainment. I have learned a couple songs. I am enjoying the more in depth instruction I am getting.

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