Saturday, March 13, 2004


We are really focused on trying to find a way to buy some land these days. However, with the lack of factual information and the overwhelming number of possibilities that have presented themselves, I am starting to feel out of my league. This is always the worst part of making a decision - the fact finding time. There are just too many questions and not enough answers (at least not enough satisfactory ones that make sense).

Is is better to buy land or fix up our current house? Land prices are skyrocketing, but we can't sell this property the way it is. Is is better to refinance for lower payments or for cash? Lower payments will allow us to save faster, but cash would allow us to buy the land outright. Should we think about selling our house and look for land with a house? Or get a manufactured home for the land? Or just stay put in the house we have now? Should we get a fixed mortgage or an adjustable one? Is 5 acres worth it? Or should we stay put until we can afford more than 5?

Eventually, I will have enough information that I will feel comfortable just making the leap when the opportunity presents itself. But for now I just feel ignorant.

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