Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Today's OneWord

This 60 second write took an interesting and unexpected twist after the first sentence. I thought I was going to write a fictional thing...not so. As usual, the stuff in the parenthesis came after the clock stopped.

The chosen one - the favorite. With my grandma, I have always felt like that. She has always been the most patient, the most forgiving with me. Recently she has entered an assisted living place and I feel as though she is drifting out of this world. I am losing the one (grandparent I have who I feel really knows me. Who I feel I really know. She has been seeming older for some time now, but it was just in the last couple of years that she has seemed to give up. The feisty old lady that I have always claimed to get my bravery from is getting tired. Tired of the arthritis, tired of the frailty, tired of being alone. A couple of weeks ago, she admitted to herself and us that she no longer felt safe at home alone. She gave up her beloved independence. Since then, she has handed much of the responsibility of her life over to my mother and the nurses in her complex. It is as if she is saying, "If I have to give up this much, I might as well give up everything.")

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