Sunday, March 14, 2004

Other People's Underwear

I finally broke down and took a trip to the laundromat today. Our washer died a couple weeks ago and we have been putting off getting a new one until we find out the requirements for this special rebate that our water company gives and so I had to load everything into the CRV and head to the 'mat filled with people that I am sure were very nice, but who give me the willies anyway because they are seeing my underwear and make me feel guilty because I know better than to leave the jar of quarters just sitting around, but I feel bad that I trust my fellow humans so little. (okay...take a breath!) I was lucky enough to get 2 big washers and 2 little ones just as I got there. I was also lucky enough to get 4 dryers just when I needed them. I KNOW that I could have brought the wet clothes back to dry at my house, but I figured that it was worth $4 to me not to have to drag around wet, heavy clothes. Plus our laundry baskets tend to leave brown marks on wet clothes. I think the stain comes off the wicker or something. Anyway - I returned home unscathed and with much of my grading and recording done, but less $12.50 in quarters. I will be glad when we get our new machine.

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