Sunday, October 31, 2004

I See Progress

I have managed to make progress on my terrifying to-do list. I went in to work this morning shortly after my last post. I got home about 30+ minutes ago. What did I do all day?

graded book reports
graded science presentations
graded math warm ups and quizzes
graded homework packets
entered all grades in the computer
printed grade sheets for each student
printed missing assignment sheets for each student
gather necessary papers to complete missing assignments
gathered materials that need to be photocopied
prepared for a fun "kidney transplant" activity to be done sometime
chatted with a couple of grandmas via cell phone
watched an episode of M*A*S*H (I needed some background noise)
prepared for observation by assistant principal this week
prepared for two observations by mentor next week

I was a busy girl. I am feeling much better having gotten all this taken care of. Tomorrow we start big testing and I can start getting ready for conferences (still a couple weeks off). Now it's time to trade back rubs with the hubby.

*Hmmm. I just looked at my to-do list with the idea of crossing off the stuff that is done, but there's nothing I can cross off. I spent 7 hours at work and can't cross a damn thing off the list. Sheesh.

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