Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Little Stuff

What a craptacular day. Maybe it is coming down off such a good day that made it seem worse, but this was not a day I want to remember for long. It all started first thing in the morning...

1. Stomach cramps nearly kept me from work. I was on my way out the door when I actually had to lie down on the floor and curl up in a ball to get through one. This has happened to me before, but not on a day when it was so vital that I go to work.

2. Something in my inner ear was thrown off by the airplane or the listening to music through headphones on the airplane or something. I have had the dizzies since we landed last night. I turn my head to look at someone and the whole room sways.

3. My class full of angels, who were very well behaved for the sub - praise all that is good, were not so angelic for me today. Their little halos were definitely tarnished, what with all the talking out of turn and wandering around the room and telling me what to do. I actually had someone say, "Do you want me to tell you how Mrs. T (the sub) got us to be quiet?". Um. NO. Who's class is this anyway?

4. My head has been throbbing off and on all day.

And that's just the little stuff.

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