Friday, April 02, 2004

to ESP, or not to ESP?

Mikey found this great ESP experiment. Can you figure out how it works? Is this guy psychic? Is it a trick? Has he somehow gained control over you computer using alien technology and a superbly developed mind? Once you think you know how it works, you need to read the explanations.

What people thought...
"Maybe your program preys on peoples inability to make up their mind."

"I believe you are able to determine which card I picked by examining my eye movement "

"One card flickers and subliminally calls your attention to it."

"maybe I'm just to obsessed with the matrix.... but i beleive in that, and I think that this has something to do with that."

"1. You are an Alien.
2. You are the most amazing software writer on this planet.
3. Like everything else in this universe history is repeating itself.
4. My thoughts are creating my reality."

This one really cracks me up...
"I tried three times and you missed twice. Better luck next time."

Of course, a photographic memory can mess up the whole thing...
"Your ESP experiment did a strange thing for me.... I think I have an explanation though. I have a photographic memory, and although I was only thinking of one card, my super memory would have remembered all nine. Because your background colour was black, it would have absorped more aleph/pie waves and given this strange result. Change the background colour to a soothing blue or shocking pink and this effect might be diminished. Glad to be of help, Andrew."

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