Thursday, April 01, 2004


*Yesterday we did go for a trial workout. We actually only did half and are going back for the second half today. That is how pathetically out of shape we are. It felt good, and I am still quite excited about the prospect of a regular work-out. My thighs, on the other hand, are less than thrilled.

*Mikey has just read the post below and is quite concerned even though he knows it is all a joke. Silly boy.

*I am currently up to 984 pages for the Read-A-Thon. There is still plenty of time to sign up as a Super Duper Sponsor. You know you want to! Think of the children!!!

*It is grey and rainy out today. I got up early to talk with the landscaping guy at 8 am. It is definitely a napping kind of day.

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