Monday, April 05, 2004

Was it real? Or was it Memorex?

It is funny how random little moments can bring forgotten dreams back full force. I was just contemplating blogging about the songs I am teaching myself to play (Greensleeves and All My Love) when I suddenly remembered a dream from last night. I was hanging out with someone - my dad?, a friend?, John Lennon?, I don't remember - who knew how to play the guitar. I was talking to them about something totally different and thinking to myself "I really should be asking him how to strum. I HAVE to learn how to strum."

You see, I stopped taking lessons a while back because my instructor moved out of the country. We had spent lots of time on reading music and finger-picking, both things I am proud to say I can do, albeit slowly and methodically. We had JUST barely talked about strumming, when he moved. So I know the basics. I know the up/down thing and that you keep the up/down motion going, simply not strumming here and there to create interesting strumming patterns. I even have a guitar book that supplies several patterns. I have the "down" (hee hee) But the "up" strum really...hehe...has me hung up. (I obviously need more sleep or something.) Anyway. I need someone to just show me over and over until I get it. Cause what I am doing sounds STUPID.

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