Friday, May 24, 2002

Paid bills today and updated our budget spreadsheet. I am proud of us...last month we ended up with a positive balance! Hooray!

We went for a walk this afternoon. I love our neighborhood. Maybe it's because I was midwest born and raised, but I am continuously amazed at the beauty and hugeness of the mountains nearby. And as far as mountains go they aren't even very big! But boy are they great to look at. There is something comforting about looking around you and seeing solid rock on all being cradled as a child. I feel very safe here. The only thing that could improve my location is if the ocean were a little bit closer. I would be so happy to smell the salt water and hear the waves. Mikey and I talk about moving somewhere that would give us that someday but we are so happy in our little home that neither of us can think of anywhere that would be worth all the hassle of moving and starting over again. Anyway, the walk was very nice and we saw lots of little family life happening. A young couple playing with a baby, a son helping his mother, a gang of teenage boys biking and skateboarding and (shudder) riding scooters. It was nice.

Boy, I sound just sappy with contentment today don't I? I hope no one is gagging because of my posts...but I really am this happy these days. I know it won't last forever, so I am enjoying it while it is here! I am off to surf the web a bit and then I have a hot date with my man. Pizza and a movie at home. Joie, you aren't the only one too lazy to go out and make friends! And I think that is just fine! : )

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