Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Wow! So much to say! I have had an outing and a series of experiences to share! Hooray!

First, I have come to the conclusion that my house is haunted. I can think of no other explaination for the eternal cold. Even when it is 80+ degrees outside, I need to wear my slippers and a sweater in the house. Must be spirits floating around, wafting s with netherworldly breezes. What else could it possibly be??

Next, we saw a wonderful gaggle of little old ladies coming out of a restaurant as we drove to lunch. They were all wearing purple clothing and bright red hats. They were having a super time. "When I am an old lady I shall wear purple..."

We had a very yummy lunch at On The Border that was spoiled only by the double charge for a Sprite and the inattentiveness of the waitress. We finally left without fixing it because we were tired of waiting for someone to wander past our table. Bleh. I am amazed at the complete lack of customer service that seems to be the current norm. Or maybe I am just having a string of bad luck. But it seems that Companies are more interested in saving money than they are in repeat business these days. Bleh.

Speaking of customer service...I actually had a GOOD experience while comparison shopping for a usable cell phone. We stopped by several providers in town (deciding that dealing with them face to face would be better than risking another failure like the Sprint debacle) and at the AT&T place we were greeted and assisted by a very nice guy named Alex. He answered my questions without making me feel like the technologically disabled person that I am, he took my concerns seriously and best of all, he DIDN'T pressure me at all. We ended up going back there for our final purchase. I was happy to help him earn his commission.

(On a side note...I was very disturbed by the sales pitch from the Verizon lady which was very much aimed at the "I-want-to-talk-and-drive-at-the-same-time" crowd. She actually told me that the voice activated web thingy was great because you could get the latest news and such without "taking your eyes off the road". Isn't that what a RADIO is for?? I wasn't impressed. But I refrained from lecturing her on the evils of talking and driving. I just reminded myself that I would never, ever, ever use my phone in a car that wasn't in park unless someone else was driving. EVER. )

That leads to the final excitement of the day...our NEW cell phone is charging up as we speak. It doesn't have the pretty color screen that the fancy one had, but it DOES allow me to make phone calls. And despite what all the commercials try to tell you, that is what a cell phone is all about. : ) If you are someone who we might want to talk to we will be getting you our new phone number as soon as we have proof that we will be using it!

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