Saturday, January 17, 2004


I have been tearing my hair out since returning to my class after winter break. Things have gotten so ugly that I felt like we had all teleported back to October. Do I need to remind you what I sounded like in October? It was NOT a pretty picture. Anyway, the discipline in my room has been atrocious and I have been so very frustrated, wondering what the heck happened. Things were going so well...

And suddenly, last night - while in a stupor from yet another mind numbing day of chaos and upset - it hit me.

I used to have the class arranged in rows. This gave everyone enough elbow room and discouraged the incesent chatter that seems to pour out of this group of kids. As our numbers rose and our behavior improved, I decided to form table groups of 4-5 students as a space saving device.

Bad Idea.

As of Tuesday (no school Monday, you know) we will be returning rows of bright, shiny faces all facing straight forward. Just the theory of this change has lifted an enormous weight off of my shoulders. Whatever spirit saw fit to provide me with that little kernel of insight has my complete and undying gratitude. I do believe I will make it through the end of the year - something that was decidedly questionable as of 3:30 yesterday afternoon.

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