Sunday, January 11, 2004

Hard Lessons

I often find myself here, blogging through my jumbled thoughts, after watching good movies. This afternoon is no exception. We just finished watching American History X and I feel compelled to write down all the things in my head before they vanish in the fog.

The Amazon dot com review states the movies message simply - "that hate is learned, and can be unlearned". It goes so much further than that to me. Not only does this movie tell you to let go of your hatred, it slaps you upside the head with the reality that walking away from hatred doesn't mean that hatred is going to walk away from you. Just because you grow/learn, doesn't make you immune to the fallout of those who refuse to do the same.

Personally, I watched the end of this movie and heard it whispering that you have to expect and accept the fallout, while still encouraging others to walk away. I looked into the older brother's future and saw two paths - one a return to hatred, the other a solidifying of his new beliefs. Both are equally possible and both are realistic.

Go. Watch the movie. And then come back here and tell me which path you think he chose. I'm putting my money on the second - as far as I can see, that's the only path with a true destination. The other is simply a glorified dead end.

Now I am off to see the deleted scenes. Perhaps they will inspire something more.

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