Saturday, January 31, 2004

stream of conscience

34 kids is too many for one person to spend all day with but if i complain about it i am just a whiner and if i just put up with it i am someone to take advantage of because i am willing to do what my bosses ask even if i think it is truly wrong like cramming 34 kids into one room with one adult with very little experience and two curriculums and then just walking away not giving any feedback or support other than saying you're doing great, keep it up because no matter how many times you say that i will always know that there are things i could be doing better but since i don't know what they are i don't know what to do to change them and even if i did i am too tired to even try so i guess it is just as well because it would just be one more thing to feel guilty about like not covering every single standard that is required or not using the sugary sweet wonderful happy tone of voice every single minute of every single day or not changing my bulletin boards all year long because who has the time or not being able to support the ELL students in my class who don't understand enough english to really be doing the work we are doing but since i am barely keeping my head above water as it is i just let it go and hope that they won't think back on 5th grade as just another year when no one cared because i do care even if i can't do what needs to be done.
mmmm....chewy chocolate chip cookie
okay. enough venting. time to play Diggin' Dinos Monopoly and stop thinking about school as much as i possibly can until tomorrow when i have 34 writing contracts to look through and a week to plan.

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