Saturday, January 31, 2004

Things that make you go "Hmmmm."

I went to bed at 10 pm last night. I woke up at 10 am this morning, walked into the other room, napped for a while, surfed the web and watched some anime, napped some more and here I am. Tired. Over at ASV, Michele is talking about the dreaded mononucleosis, something my mother was always worried I would get (along with appendicitis). Hmm.

Commenting at ASV, a guy named Matt linked to this article. Despite my desire to vote my conscience (green party), I have pretty much decided that the only safe thing to do is vote my fears (democratic). Even that seemed like a lost cause to me. Knowing that "8,279 primary voters wrote in the names of Democratic challengers to Bush on their Republican ballots" and "219,787 Granite State voters took Democratic ballots Tuesday, shattering the previous record of 170,000 in 1992" in New Hampshire last week makes me feel a little better. There may be hope for the world after all. Hmm.

The longer I work under conditions that go directly against my contract and the more times I agree to keep doing it because of things that are promised "in the near future", the more I feel like a donkey with a carrot dangling in front of it. If it weren't for the kids, I would have told them to take this situation and shove it. Better that it affect me, than letting it affect all or even some of my kids. At least that is what I tell myself when I get up for work each morning these days. Continuous failure on the part of management cannot be overcome by good intentions and self-sacrifice forever, though. I am beginning to feel...not an apathy...more of an anti-desire...when it comes to work. I have every desire to do right by these kids, I am simply unable to meet the increasingly stressful expectations of my position. My mind, body and spirit are all screaming "OVERLOAD!" Hmm.

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