Saturday, January 10, 2004

What's in an almanac?

This is a common question in my class, because many of my students have never seen one, much less used one. Apparently it is also a common question at FBI headquarters. Being seen with an almanac is now right up there with wearing a turban, speaking something other than English and refusing to put an "I hate Iraq - Bush is King" bumpersticker on your car when it comes to deciding who's a terrorist and who's not.

Reference books, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauruses and (yes) almanacs, are included in the CA standards for elementary school students. Perhaps I should be careful in admitting that, lest I am suspected of teaching our children something more sinister than thinking for themselves...or perhaps I shouldn't admit to doing that either?

My mini rant can't hold a candle to the one Wil wrote...check it out.

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