Monday, September 06, 2004

Big Jerk

It is a good thing that Mikey doesn't let me be in charge of customer services. Most of the customers he deals with are great - they send adoring letters and thank him for his speedy responses to their problems. This is to be expected since he is pretty much available to them 24/7. One of the reasons that I rarely get to go on a vacation is his need to cater to his customers. (While I occasionally resent this, I do know that it goes a long way towards increasing sales and getting his name out there.)

Every once in a great while, however, he has to deal with one of those idiot Neanderthal ones who couldn't be bothered to read any of the information he provides (in the multiple places on the website) and decide to take it out on him. In those cases, he is calm and respectful, often thanking them for their mindnumbingly stupid advice and always offering them a refund. Where I would resort to name calling and obsene suggestions, he takes the high road with courtesy and respect. I don't know how he does it.

Today, he actually had someone imply that it Mikey's fault that he (the customer) had to yell at his kid. In fact, there was the implication there that it went further than yelling at him. This man's poor parenting skills were Mikey's fault because there was nothing for him to do besides getting more and more angry when he couldn't make the game work, never mind the fact that he hadn't bothered to read the directions or Mikey's first attempt at helping him. Grrr.

It is just a good thing that I am restricted to cutting and folding, while Mikey handles the people. Because people are stupid difficult and I have very little patience for them outside of the classroom.

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