Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Every once in a while something happens to me that is so far outside my realm of imagination that I couldn't have made it up if I tried. You wouldn't think this could happen - after all, I can think of some pretty weird things - but it does. And today, it did.

I was driving along the road, already late for a meeting I was supposed to be at, when suddenly there was a mouse (yes, you read that right, a MOUSE) running back and forth on my windshield wipers. The poor thing looked scared to death and I was freaking out, frantically chanting "Please don't fly off into traffic! Please don't fly off into traffic!" over and over in my head. I managed to pull off into a parking lot where I popped the hood and went in search of an object with which to encourage the little guy to vacate my car. By the time I returned, he was out of sight. I can only hope that he went OUT of the car and into the nearby grass. I would hate to think that he went INTO the engine and became mousey mush.

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