Monday, September 20, 2004

What's a Quarter Worth, Anyway?

My day started out so well. I woke up refreshed and ready to face the day. (Falling asleep at 8 pm could have something to do with that.) It amazes me how quickly it all went sour.

I blame the lady at the clinic who put me on hold for 15 minutes. I called to make my appointment (that didn't get made, btw) shortly before I was supposed to leave for work. I expected to call, tell them what I needed, and get a date and time for my appointment. No. I sat on hold for a quarter of an hour. By the time I found out that I didn't have enough information for the appointment, it was 8:35. I rushed to school, knowing that all the good parking spots would be taken. I was just thankful that I had gotten so well prepared over the weekend.

Or so I thought. I ended up making copies and taking care of little things all the way through my recess break, through more than half of my lunch and for nearly 2 hours after school. Sheesh. I just couldn't catch up and it's all because of those 15 lost minutes in the first hour of my day.

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