Saturday, September 11, 2004

Slobber Cat

Bonsai has taken to climbing on my chest during the night and purring as though he's trying to wake the dead. This of course, wakes me and I proceed to love on him - petting and talking in soft tones. This has become a bit of a ritual for us and as long as it doesn't go on too long, I don't mind it. In fact, it's kinda nice. Especially, since I was worried that he would never forgive me for the lack of food and the trip to the vet that one day last week.

So, like I said, it's kinda nice to have warm, rumbly kitten giving me kitteny kisses. Or it was.

I don't know if it is because of the pain meds he's been on since his surgery, or because he's tired, or because he's happy, but whatever it was, it caused him to drool excessively. At first, it was just a little dampness on his fur. Then it was a wet muzzle when he snuggled my face. The last straw was when he shook his head and drool flew from it in huge St. Bernard-like strings. Ick.

I had to turn on the light and wash my face! Not that this bothered Bonsai. The light woke Mikey up and Bonsai snuggled with him until I got back.

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