Sunday, September 26, 2004


*Standing in front of the fridge on a Sunday afternoon, looking for something to graze on, becomes less appealing when the most prominent thing in the fridge is your urine collection container.

*My mind is so focused on my bladder right now that it feels like I have to pee every 10 minutes. I know I have been drinking lots of water, but I suspect my darling kidneys are just doing their darndest to prove that they can pee for two.

*I can't help but wonder how my bladder is comparing to everyone else today. Each time I pee I question whether I am peeing too much or too little. Is the Vampire Lady at the lab going to think "Is that all?" or "All that?" when I hand her my collection of liquid gold?

*It is very strange to have to stop by the kitchen on my way to the bathroom. It just feels wierd.

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