Sunday, July 18, 2004

And Now, A Word from Our Sponsors

Mikey found and shared this site with me this evening and demanded that I blog about it.    Reading about this man's run-in with Homeland Security, I came face to face with the real consequences of the erosion of our freedoms.  It made me want to run out and take pictures of everything I see.  Of course, that wouldn't make a difference, because I am white.  No one questions MY intentions.  I look like an American is supposed to look.  I can't tell you how sick it makes me to know that there are people who live their entire lives under a blanket of suspicion and restrictions that the rest of us don't have to deal with.  It makes me happy, however, to know that there are people like this guy who are willing to share their stories in an attempt to open people's eyes and make a change.  Share this story with your friends - and if you have other stories of people standing up and telling it like it is, please share them with me. 

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