Friday, July 09, 2004


I have asked my siblings to join me in a blogging adventure. I have set up a new blog where we can all post odds and ends about our lives in an attempt to get us a little closer together. I have no idea if any of them will be interested in this. I have e-mailed them and I am hoping that they will at least give it a chance. If I had my druthers* I would have all of my family members posting on blogs together - this kind of communication is what blogging is all about as far as I am concerned. Unfortunately, most of my family members are quite nervous around computers and those who aren't prefer to communicate in other ways. Which is fine. Just not my druthers.

*I first heard this phrase when I watched my high school and elementary teachers put on a Lil Abner play. For some reason it has stuck in my head ever since.

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