Friday, July 09, 2004

Blogs of Note

It has been a long time since I have found a new blog I really enjoy reading. I have had the same blogs on my "Check Daily" list for some time now:

Coffee Achiever
Defective Yeti
Dragonfly Baby
Impending Distractions
Moody Mama
Not So Simple
The Back Forty
Utter Wonder

I read other blogs, mostly the ones on my blogrolling list, sporadically, but nothing has captured my attention for extended periods of time. I think I have found one that will make the list. It is called MaineLine and the voice is something else. His ability to tell a story and make you feel like you aren't just there, but are somehow an important part of it, keeps me checking for new posts on a daily basis. Give it a read. If you have the time, I would suggest going back to the beginning and starting from there. He hasn't been posting for long and it is well worth it.

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