Friday, July 02, 2004


I find a great deal of satisfaction in a clean room. I know I have talked about this enough for you to know that organization is an obsession of mine. Today I whipped two of our rooms into submission - getting rid of things we no longer need and putting the things we DO need in order. Everything looks very nice. But I realized as I was cleaning ALL DAY LONG that there is a reason why I can't keep my things this neat and tidy all the time. I end up doing these very intense cleaning sessions about twice a year because I spend more time living my life than I do organizing it.

I have been in many houses that just squeak with cleanliness and the one thing I always wonder is "where is the stuff?" In my house I have my sewing stuff in one area, my coloring stuff somewhere else, and my current reading stuff all over. Mikey has games, being played and being created, in various stages all over the house. We keep these things out, in plain sight, because they are part of our daily lives. Our belongings aren't here just to make it seem like we are a certain kind of person (Ooooh! These guys really like books!), they are there because we ARE that kind of person. And people who like books (or sewing, coloring, or games) need those things easily accessible. If that means that my house looks cluttered even when it is clean, then so be it. I would much rather live my life than organize it.

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