Friday, September 27, 2002

dang...while i was sick i thought of something that i wanted to share and now i can't remember it...i hate it when that happens

in the meantime, here's a funny story about a class i was in...

Some of the kids were reading in the library corner while a few finished up some work. In between helping them finish I went to see what the others were reading and talking about...just keeping tabs on them. I got there just in time to be asked this question:

"Did God create everything? Or did people come from dinosaurs?"

When I started out by saying a difinitive "People did NOT come from dinosaurs." the questioner was very excited and said "Seee???" I stopped him and explained that dinosaurs lived a long time ago and some people thought that they changed over a long time into other animals that eventually changed into other animals that changed into apes that eventually changed into people and some people believed that God created everything. This, of course, got arguments from both sides to which I simply said that no one can prove either completely and that each person has the right to believe what they believe. The things that subs have to deal with! I love that kind of discussion in my own room where I know the kids and the parents and the best way to deal with a strange room it is more difficult. I have found that the easiest way to deal with things like that is give as truthful an answer as I can. Admitting that I don't know is a good strategy too! : )

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