Friday, August 01, 2003

7 whole dollars gone to waste. How sad.

Actually, it started out as 2 dollars. I bought each of us a lottery ticket. I do this occasionally because I like to gamble. I had further reason to buy the tickets that day though. The night before I was babysitting the Js. Their parents are a bit, let's just say New Age-y. Monday nights when I am babysitting they are at a class to help them tap their psychic potential. Anyway, they had put up new signs all over the house.

"Know what you want in Love, Life and the Lottery."
"Know how much money you will win and how you will spend it."
"Past failures don't prevent future successes."
"If you feel lucky, do something about it."
"Be a winner."

And more. So after spending the whole night reading those signs I was feeling lucky. And I did something about it. I even spent some time visualizing how much I would win and what I would do with it. (Hey, you never know...) I managed to win 8 dollars with the first ticket and 7 dollars with the tickets that I bought with that money. All my luck must have washed off in the shower though, because I won NOTHING tonight. Unfortunately, I won't be going back to watch the Js for 2 weeks. Guess I'll hold off on that trip to the casino! (We have one in town, you know. I went once and had quite a bit of fun with 20 bucks.)

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