Friday, August 01, 2003

I managed to keep my promise to myself by going into school today. I spent about 3 hours there doing a variety of tasks, big and little. I have decided that since, as near as I can tell, my partner has not set foot inside that room since the day BEFORE school ended I can do whatever the hell I want to it and she can change it if and when she decides to show her face there. Today I did some arranging of furniture, worked at organizing some of the chaos and did some odd little jobs. You know, the kind that never get done when school is actually in session. I untangled the mess of cords behind the computer (I couldn't find the place to re-plug one of them...oops!) and sorted through the extra crayon bin (threw out about a pint-full of crayon stubs, all less then an inch long).

It is so frustrating to have so much energy to pour into a classroom and not have the classroom available for the pouring. I am working in the room I had last year, but since it is shared I know that anything I do might be undone if my partner doesn't like it. I also know that my district has reserved the right to move me at any moment. So I hesitate to be pouring too much energy now. What if I need it for a mad rush to get a room ready in 36 hours when I am moved to a 4/5 combo at another school two days before school starts?? Ugh. Despite that I enjoyed puttering around in "my" room today.

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