Wednesday, August 20, 2003


You are reading the blog of the newest full time, 4/5 combo teacher at my school. I have officially been given my own classroom! I have the keys and I will start setting things up tomorrow (provided they excuse me from the useless meeting I am scheduled for). Hooray, hooray, hooray!!!

As of right now, I have 15 fourth graders. This number will rapidly rise, I am sure. From the numbers I have been given it looks like my class is going to end up being mostly fourth grade with a couple of fifth graders thrown in eventually. I have an ELL/GATE class. This means that I will have a few students who are not native English speakers and a few (one so far) who are considered gifted and talented. And since they are fourth graders there is the possibility that I will have some of my students from last year! I am excited to see my class list tomorrow to see if that happened. The kids are at the school right now seeing who their teachers are.


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