Friday, August 08, 2003

I haven't done a Friday Five for a long time. Here it is...

1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country?
Minnesota. That is where I grew up and I love to go visit. It doesn't feel like home anymore though. I used to watch all the people in CA, thinking how different they were. Now when I go back to MN I am amazed at how different everyone is and when I land in San Diego everything seems normal (or as normal as CA can get) again.
2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling?
Bizarre, unusual things don't happen to me. One time I was driving along one of those Minnesota back roads to visit a friend and I saw a hitchhiker standing in the middle of the road. He was naked except for shoes and socks. He looked scary. I wasn't about to let this guy in the car with me so I just drove past him very carefully. He got mad and threw one of his shoes at me.
Okay. That never really happened. But it would be bizzare and unusual, wouldn't it?
3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go?
Italy. My husband owes me an uber-romantic date in a vineyard. Complete with picnic lunch and fanning with a palm leaf.
4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car?
My favorite is by train. There is something so soothing and carefree about train travel. Especially if you are on a train with a dining car and a lounge car. It's like a hotel on wheels.
I also like flying. My favorite flights are the ones where you get a touch of turbulance so that everyone is clutching their armrests. It's like being on a rollercoaster. And I love that feeling. As long as it's mellow and shortlived. The best thing about flying is that it gets me from CA to MN in 4 hours rather than 2 days.
I hate to travel by car. Driving is stressful and being a passenger is boring. My butt gets numb, my knees get achy, and sometime I get carsick. An all around unpleasant way to travel.
5. What's the next place on your list to visit?
Mikey is going to take me to San Luis Obispo (SLO) sometime soon. That is where he went to college and he is always telling me how wonderful it was. We were going to go this summer, but there were too many other trips happening. I want to take the train. Someday.

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