Thursday, December 02, 2004

Am I Making Any Sense?


Here I am, still feeling remarkably well. We headed to bed about 9 pm last night after I won a game of Unexploded Cow (despite being super stoned on pain meds). Mikey was asleep within 3 minutes of hitting the pillow and I wasn't too far behind. The pain meds tend to give me the jumpies as I am falling asleep, which often results in a tummy spasm that lurches me back into wakefulness. Even during the night, I was functioning on 6 hour shifts, since my body is still very aware of when the next dose of meds is due.

We got up this morning with just enough time to shower before heading down for a bit of breakfast. I managed to eat about half a bowl of Total and most of a glass of apple juice. It is much more comfortable to be sitting up now - I think the inflato-gas is pretty much gone - but it is still tiring to be up and about for too long.

Ooh. Mikey just found Charlie's Angels II, and since it is easier to watch something than to try to put together complete sentences, I think it's time for me to be done with this post.

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