Thursday, December 09, 2004

The Sun is Shining!

I am happy to see it after the cloudy, rainy day we had yesterday. It always perks my spirits up to see that big, warm square of sunlight lounging on my living room floor. Good stuff, I tell you.

Talked with my dad this morning - always a good way to start the day. It was a great conversation (at least from my perspective, but I may not have been all the way awake. i hope i made a little sense!), but there was some bad news. The other cat lovers who stop by here on occasion will understand the sorrow they are feeling due to the death of a feline family member. Please send them comforting thoughts.

Also, I realized that I forgot to thank Pam for the comfort items that she gave me. I think I mentioned the pillow that I had on the plane that made the whole trip comfortable. Pam got that for me. And I am not sure that I have told you about the stuffed kitty that I carried with me nonstop after the surgery. That kitty helped me feel like my remaining guts were going to stay in place while I took my first lap around the nurses' station. Pam got that kitty for me, too. She also helped my Daddy get to Rochester. For all these things that comforted me so much, I say thank you. Thank you very much. You're good people. :)

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