Friday, December 17, 2004

Before the Break There is Chaos

I shouldn't even tell any of you this, because I am sure I will get yelled at, but today I spent the whole day at school. I got there at 9:05 - just in time to hear the names of my kiddos who were being celebrated - and left at about 4:30 - after spending the whole day getting hugged and loved on by my darlings. I got so many gifts that I couldn't lift them into the car by myself and I had the bestest of times seeing book presentations and watching the White Elephant Gift Exchange. I got to say hello to all my buddies that I won't get a chance to see again until the new year and I got lots of walking exercise. Aside from the first and last days, this is always my favorite day of school. The work is all done, there is fun to be had, and everyone is in a festive mood.
And I wouldn't have missed it for anything.
Tomorrow, I will be resting and I will continue to do so as long as my body requires it. So, don't worry about me...I promise to be good from now on!

PS - My best gift was a set of poems that my students wrote about me and pasted into a beautiful journal. It is quite sweet.

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