Thursday, December 23, 2004

In an age of selfishness and greed, a generation of "What's in it for me?" kids, I have the pleasure of knowing some of the most giving, selfless kiddos there are. I was shown just how wonderful some people are just yesterday.

"Mrs. A"'s son, "B", is in my class. Her younger son, "C", also attends our school. When she heard that I would be having sugery and unable to do much afterwards, Mrs. A commented that she would bring her boys over to help out if I needed her to. Thinking that it was a wonderful offer, I accepted, fully expecting that it would be forgotten. No! Yesterday, they came over and spent an hour weeding my front flower bed, much improving the front side of my house. As they dug and pulled, we talked and laughed. The boys were cheerful and helpful and darling. "B" was just thrilled to be AT THE TEACHER'S HOUSE, and the most either of them wanted in return was a chance to pet the kitties. There was no asking for anything, although they did hint that they would enjoy playing our Dreamcast.

I told them repeatedly how wonderful it was that they were so willing to help someone who was in need and that I was very proud of them. I also gave them Snapple, candycanes, one of Mikey's games, and the chance to pet-sit a hermit crab for the next week or so. (That last one was really more of a gift for me, though!)

Perhaps I shouldn't have given them so much. After all, it would be a shame to take such selfless kids and make them think that you should get stuff when you do good...but I happen to think that you DO get stuff in return for giving without expectation of getting. It isn't always something tangible, like a Snapple or a hermit crab, but the universe has a way of repaying you for the things you do.

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