Saturday, December 18, 2004

What was I thinking?

The next time I talk about getting a classroom pet, somebody smack me. I can't imagine what I was thinking. Not only are they distracting during class time, but you have to remember to feed the darn things and you have to feel guilty if they die (something fish and hermit crabs are really good at, it seems). And of course, there is the hassle of taking care of them during vacation time.

Mikey and I went to school this morning and spent a good hour cleaning out the fish tank and taking the sole surviving fish home with us. We then spent another hour setting up a tank at home for him. The sole surviving hermit crab also came home with us, although his habitat is a little more relocatable. All so that I wouldn't have to go to school every day to feed them. ONE FISH AND ONE HERMIT CRAB. Ugh.

Okay, so I whine about it, but I am also a little enamored with the site and sound of a fish tank in our living room. We always had one while I was growing up and I find it very soothing. Bonsai finds it very tempting. This little guppy might end up staying with us. He is a hardy little fella (one of the original three and only survivor of the 9 we have had in our room this year), but I think that some goldfish might be better suited to the classroom setting. The hermit crab on the other hand is evil (he ATE several of his roommates) and will be returning to school as soon as possible.

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