Sunday, December 12, 2004

Best Friends Ever

I have the best friends in the whole world. They seem to "get" what I am all about and not only accept it, but enjoy it. Lucky me!

Yesterday, one of my friends called me up and asked if she could bring me anything. For a brief moment, I was afraid that she meant bringing me food that I would feel guilty about (she is a much busier person that I and has no extra time for cooking me food), but she soon set me at ease by suggesting that she bring over some of the books she had enjoyed. That alone would have made my day, but when she arrived I saw that most of them were mystery/detective type stories with interesting female lead characters. Only, like, my favorite kind of book!

And then today another friend (the one who is covering my class for me while I am out) dropped by with a bag full of musicals for me to borrow. We had once chatted about musical and she figured I would need a break from all the reading I was doing. She even remembered which ones I said I hadn't seen.

See? Very cool friends. I hope I can return the favors sometime.

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