Saturday, June 29, 2002

Driving home from work yesterday I was thinking about a game that my father and I used to play. Well, it was a game for me...probably just frustrating for him! When I would be visiting him on weekends we often went to Grandma's or the cousin's houses. I never wanted to go to bed. I loved sitting, listening, watching, observing these people that were part of my family, but so rarely part of my life. I loved the feel of it...the closeness, the laughter and love. Anyway, bedtime would roll around and as I was being picked up I would think "heavy" thoughts. I would even chant outloud - "Rocks, boulders, bricks, elephants, mountains...etc." - in an attempt to prevent being lifted off to bed. The amazing thing is...IT ALWAYS WORKED! My father could not pick me up until he convinced me to think "light" thoughts, chanting "feathers, mice, cottonballs...etc". It gave me an amazing sense of control. I never realized that until just yesterday. It was wonderful for me to feel as though I were in control of something in a situation (away from mom and normal routine) that seemed a little out of my control. In fact, when I think about it, our visits were often that way. I don't know if it was an intentional attempt to put me at ease or just the inevitable spoiling of a child you don't have to deal with every day, but I am very glad that my father allowed me to think that I could control my life in that one small way.

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