Monday, June 24, 2002

Well, girl's night was a HUGE success and I officially have two girlfriends in Temecula! It was a blast to sit around eating pizza (we were hosted by the one who doesn't cook, doesn't even have a kitchen in her little apartment!) drinking Sprite and talking about everything under the sun. AAAhhhhh. Happiness.

Yesterday Mikey and I spent 2 hours wandering around Walmart creating a wedding registry! It was SO much fun!!! The nice thing about getting married AFTER you have set up house is that you can register for fun stuff instead of just furniture and dishes! We have everything from board games to exercise weights to little kitchen thing to yard toys. It was a blast.

Today we are off to San Diego for our license and then lunch with the future in-laws. Free food is always good! : ) I am bringing my suit in case it is warm enough for a dip in their pool too! Later!

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