Saturday, June 01, 2002

What a morning. I am emotionally drained. (a couple of hours later) Well, I WAS drained before a rejuvinating conversation with Joie. What a character!

So this morning I had a melt down. I got up, started exercising and got so frustrated that Mikey couldn't deal with me. And for those of you who don't realize the significance of that..Mikey is incredibly patient and for him to not be able to deal I must have been pretty bitchy. Anyway, I stomped around doing laundry and cleaning (my usual therapy) until I finally decided I needed some more exercising. I went into the garage and started beating on the punching bag thingy we have in there. Suddenly all my frustration turned into this overwhelming, overpowering anger. It just swept over me. I raged against the plastic for a few minutes and collapsed into a puddle. It was so totally unexpected that it kinda scared me. Usually I can tell when I am losing it and I can set aside a time to have a good cry. This one totally snuck up on me. After a few minutes of hysteria I was fine again and I felt so much better. It was especially relieving to know that it wasn't Mikey I was fighting with. I hate fighting with him. : )

Then shortly afterwards I had a very important, very powerful, very needed conversation with my Daddy. It is hard to talk to him, but it is so much harder to not talk with him. I think we shared some important things today and I am glad. I hope it is a sign of things to come. But it was very emotional and very exhausting.

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