Tuesday, June 18, 2002

From the Topic Blog:

List 3 things that you feel you are more talented at than anyone else you know.
Now, I hesitate to say I am more talented at anything than anyone I know. I know a lot of talented people and anything I do well, I know someone who can do it better. But there are a few things I think I am good at.
A) I am a good teacher. I think like a child (child-like, not childish -most of the time) and I can understand why they are doing what they are doing more often than most adults. I like spending time with kids and I love sharing knowledge with them. That is what I do. It is my calling.
B) I am a good listener. I can close my mouth and let others speak when needed. I try not to give advise, instead allowing the other person to hear themselves while talking to me.
C) um...I guess I am a good cook. Not great, nothing like my mom, but good. And creative. I can look at a bunch of leftover ingredients and whip together a meal. I enjoy cooking and I have a great partner. (Mikey is a great cook and he is fabulously creative when it comes to sauces!)

So - what about you? What are you good at?

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