Friday, March 07, 2003

Here's the Friday Five... And even on a real Friday for a change!

1. What was the last song you heard?
The background music to Virtual Fighter 4. This is a PS2 game. I played against Mikey and royally kicked his behind. : ) And if he tries to tell you differently, he's a damn liar.

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
1. The Others with Nicole Kidman. I really dislike her, but I enjoyed the movie immensely. I won't even tell you what I liked most about it because I don't want to spoil anything. Watch it. It was very good.

2. Final Justice (It's not the one with Rock Hudson .)(Nor is it this one with Stephen Chow, whomever THAT is)(What is with all the movies by this title?). This is a "Lifetime"-type movie. You know - lousy overacting, crappy plot, bad dramatic music - the whole nine yards. I was very disappointed since I was expecting a suspense/lawyer/mystery sort of thing. Blech.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
I bought a #2 Extra Value Meal at McD's last night and shared it with Mikey. I honestly have no idea what came before that. It was food of some kind, I'm sure. Or those file folders I bought for school. I dunno.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
1. sleep in
2. laundry
3. clean the bathrooms
4. something nice for Mikey

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Mikey, Steve, Wendy, Tom and Annie. Aside from Mikey these are all 3rd grade teachers where I work. I spent some time chatting and socializing at the end of the day. Since I only work part time it is important for me to keep the connections between my team members strong on the days I do work.

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