Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Joie and I came up with some questions that she can use to help her identify the perfect man in the future...

1. I am eating crackers in bed. There are crumbs in the sheets. What do you do?
2. I come home and admit that I was in a fender bender in the parking lot. What are the first words out of your mouth?
3. Do you play video games?
4. If you answered yes to the previous questions, what is the first thing you do when you are finished playing?
5. I am feeling too crampy and bitchy to go to the drug store. Will you go to the store and buy me some tampons?
6. When I get home from work you can tell that I have had a hard day. How are you going to make me feel better?
7. Our house is a mess and your mother just called to tell us that she is coming for dinner. What do you do?

Of course, we had the most fun deciding what the perfect answers would be! : ) What would YOUR perfect answers be?

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