Saturday, March 15, 2003

I can tell that it is time for me to get back to work. I have spent too many days in a row sitting around playing on my computer and my knees are not happy with me. I also woke up this morning in a foul mood. I get cranky when I have to entertain myself for too many days in a row. Much like the J's I babysit on Monday nights. I told them I would come early and take them out for a movie and dinner in the food court. Mostly because they've been off school for over a week now and all their free time is starting to grate on their nerves. And listening to them verbally snip at each other all night grates on MY nerves.

After some thinking I have realized why I woke up in a nasty mood. I was dreaming that I was fighting with my sister just before I woke up. We were sitting on a couch and our conversation went the way it normally does when we don't agree. I got high and mighty, she got offended and close-minded, I started to shout, she stopped hearing anything I was saying. It was not pretty. Then Mikey sat down next to me. I turned to him and said "I'm so sorry you are here". But I did attempt to stop shouting at her. She still wasn't understanding what I was trying to say. Then suddenly, the dream turned into a black and white documentary about 1930's public transportation. It was boring, so I woke up. I still had the bitter taste of a useless arguement with my sister in the back of my mouth though.

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