Sunday, March 09, 2003

Someday I am going to start my own school and it will not force students to move from one subject to another until they are ready. There will be no stigma attached to a 9 year old who is studying concepts that are typically learned by a 2nd grader as long as they are working hard and doing their best. I will not force a student who is not comfortable with the concepts of multiplication to begin division. I will return the power of learning to the learner, where it belongs. My students will be responsible for their own progress and they will love to learn. Learning will be proven through real life assessment rather than stupid standardized tests and teachers will be allowed (and expected) to use a variety of strategies and tools to present material. My school will increase the learning, the self-esteem and the humanity of my students. It will make the world a better place, one child at a time.


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